Explore with Dublin North Bay Tourism
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About Us
Experienced Historical Guide
Dublin North Bay Tourism promotes the North Bay area in all it's aspects. DNBT generates interest in awareness and appreciation of the abundance of resources in the area. DNBT celebrates the natural and created general culture & heritage of the North Bay area. DNBT inspires pride in the entire locality. DNBT incorporates the Stoker Dracula Organisation which dates back to 1991. We invite and entice visitors and tourists to enjoy the "North Bay Way & Experience". We feel all comers to the area will be attracted to and by the regions charms, its eventful and chequered history, lore and legend, it's cultural heritage and traditions, its flora, fauna and wildlife, it's historic buildings and landmarks and it's many varied amenities.
What we do?
Dublin North Bay Tours organises and provides historical, cultural and educational tours, walks, talks and power point presentations on request for schools, societies, tourists and the public in general.
We aim to show the areas features from all eras of Dublin and Irish life. In fact the North Bay experience represents a microcosm of Irish life and history and has classical " rus in urbe" which translated means "the country in the city". Our informative, exciting tours will bring all of this to life through stories, legends told where the events actually happened!
We boost a great literary tradition, especially being the birthplace of Bram Stoker author of the eternal story and character, Dracula. DNBT views the tourist potential of the area as enormous, a sleeping giant. Lets awaken the giant together!
Our aims for the future.
DNBT organises an annual calendar of events, and our aim is to provide the area with a visitor and heritage center. Over the years we have accumulated a wealth of memorabilia to display at the center which would act as a focal point and a base. All information on the area would be available at the center including historical, amenities, clubs, businesses, events taking place etc. It would contain and provide pictures and literature relevant to the area with a special section dedicated to Bram Stoker and his Dracula legacy. We appeal to one and all to help us achieve such a visitor and heritage centre, a premises of which we can all be proud.
Dublin North Bay Tourism incorporates :The Stoker Dracula Organisation